All Pedicini classical guitars are handcrafted to unearth the natural tonal qualities of the timbers and to enable each musician to fully exploit their musical and technical ability to achieve performance excellence.  The inspiration and origins for the design of my classical guitars has been the work of the great masters of the past and has been influenced by renowned musicians and luthiers of today.  History shows us that it is the collaboration between luthier and musician that produces a truly great instrument.  I am reminded however of the words of my mentor and teacher Richard Howell, - “using these principles we know we can produce an excellent guitar, but will it be a truly great guitar – only time will tell.”

The Pedicini range of classical guitars embrace both traditional and contemporary approaches to material selection and construction method. The essential characteristic of a handcrafted guitar is that the luthier is able to respond to the minor nuances of each particular piece of wood as the instrument evolves.  This is one of the reasons I choose to employ a tapered dovetail junction between neck and body.  This method has long been favoured by violin makers and was employed by Spanish guitar maker Ignacio Fleta.  Once the body of the guitar is completed the set angle of the tapered dovetail can be carefully cut by hand to ensure the ideal set up and ultimate “action” of the guitar.  This approach allows the luthier to adjust for the natural movement and variation of materials as the sound box is completed and avoids radical adjustments to saddle and bridge heights at the final set up stage which can be detrimental to both tone and longevity of the instrument.

New in 2020 - Elevated fingerboard option.

All Pedicini Guitar models are now available with an elevated fingerboard option. This gives much more freedom for left hand movement above the 12th fret. A total elevation of approximately 20mm above the top of the body join is achieved by modifying the upper bout of the body. With this approach the traditional relationship between the plane of the fingerboard and the body is maintained so there is no requirement for the player to modify left hand position. This is an important ergonomic consideration for the player who does not want to modify technique but would like greater freedom on the upper frets.

New Addition to the Pedicini range in 2018 - The Doppio Series

The “Doppio Series” employs the latest technological advances in contemporary guitar design with a “Double Top” soundboard consisting of two ultra thin layers of Western Red Cedar with a high tech vacuum bagged inner honeycomb core. First pioneered by German luthier, Matthias Dammann, double top guitars exhibit a warm, full, round, rather dark and very powerful tone reminiscent a traditional old Spanish guitar only with greater volume. The Pedicini Doppio is the result of an extensive collaboration with internationally renown Australian luthier, Richard Howell who has provided invaluable advice based on over 40 years experience to achieve the unique tonal characteristics of this instrument.

The “Traditional” model pays homage to the great Spanish masters utilising a variety of fan bracing systems to suit either spruce or cedar tops combined with Indian rosewood for back and side construction.  The neck and headstock are of either cedar or mahogany reinforced with two internal torsion bars of ebony or Australian jarrah to ensure stability.  Fingerboards are usually ebony.

The “Mariangela” model, also built in the traditional style, is a marriage of Italian and Australian materials.  Soundboards are Italian Spruce sourced from the same location as Italian violin makers have for over 300 years.  This is combined with Australian Blackwood, Australian Red Cedar, Queensland Maple, and Gidgee as used for the Heritage classical guitars.

Finally, each instrument is fully French polished, a process which takes between 3 to 4 weeks. The instrument is then set aside to allow the finish to cure sufficiently before final tuning and setup adjustments.

The Heritage model of classical guitar utilises only specially selected Australian tonewoods using the same approach to construction as the Traditional model.  Soundboards are usually Tasmanian King William pine which exhibits a distinctive tonal character and is well suited to the traditional fan bracing construction method.  Back and sides are Australian Blackwood sourced either from Tasmania or from the Victorian Otway ranges.  Neck is either Australian Red Cedar or Queensland Maple supported by Jarrah insert torsion bars and fitted with Gidgee fingerboard.  These instruments are also fully French polished.

The key dimensions of these standard models are set out below.  Please contact Cary Pedicini directly to discuss customising to suit your individual needs.

  • String length: 650 mm

  • Fingerboard width at nut: 52 mm

  • Fingerboard at 12th fret: 62 mm

  • String spacing at nut: 44 mm

  • String spacing at bridge: 58 to 60 mm

  • Neck thickness at 1st fret: 21.5 mm (profile can also be customised to suit)

  • Neck thickness at 9th fret: 23.5 mm (profile can also be customised to suit)